Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Scott Tommaro

For our Scott Tommaro Assignment, we were supposed to take two different pictures and put them together and make a story out of them. I took a picture a teddy bear and a picture of a train tracks. The bear represents innocence and the tracks represent danger.

I wanna do over - Mulligan

This assignment was called I wanna do over - Mulligan. We were aloud to re-do any assignment that we either messed up on or didn't do. I re-did my All American Pet assigment. I just went outside and took some pictures of my dog.

Starn Twins

I used this picture for my starn twins assignment and I made it into a grid of three by three. I liked this assignment because we got to take the pictures but we also got to print them and cut them out too.

Exterior of my Residence

This assignment was called exterior of my residence and I just took some pictures while standing in my driveway looking at my house. I used picassa to edit my photos.

Independent Study

For my independent study I did a repeating patterns assignment. In one picture I lined crayons up on my floor and in the other I put some straws in a cup.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


This assignment was called religion.
I found this assignment very easy
because i have a lot of religious things
around my house even though I'm not very religious.

All American Pet

This assignment was called All American
Pet. I loved this assignment because
I like taking pictures of my dogs.